Monday, July 20, 2009

एस-1 न्यूज चैनल में कई पदों पर आवेदन आमंत्रित

कड़ी प्रतिस्पर्धा और ग्लोबल मंदी के बावजूद टीवी जर्नलिज्म के मानकों पर हर रोज खरा उतर रहे हिंदी न्यूज चैनल एस-1 के विस्तार के लिए जरूरत है योग्य-कर्मठ और समर्पित कर्मयोगियों की। इच्छुक अभ्यर्थी अपना बायोडाटा पर भेज दें। एक अभ्यर्थी एक ही पद के लिए आवेदन करें। पद और योग्यताएं इस प्रकार हैं-

Input Head (One) working experience of 6 to 8 yrs in TV news channel. Strong leadership quality having good contacts with in political and social arena. familiar with octopus. Good personality and good communication skill.
Output Head (One) working experience of 6 to 8 yrs in TV news channel. Fast analytical mindset, familiar to octopus and editorial content; producer focus on the quality of what goes on air/ An OE has a lot of editorial responsibilities, of course in tandem with a couple of other key people on shift.
Programming Head (One) working experience of 6 to 8 yrs in Electronic media. Candidate should be entrepreneurial, creative, story oriented, and with discriminating taste. experience in having developed own character design & production designing for creating original concept and stories Manage and lead a Creative team & guide them towards creating original concepts & maintain a fine balance between creative, fiscal & current market trends. Think out of the box.Having knowledge of writing material for scripts, and links. Basic computer skills and proficiency in Hindi and English also. language.
Anchors (Five) Male/Female Graduate with diploma/degree in journalism and excellent communication skill in English and Hindi. Please send your application in hard copy only. Assistant Producers/ Copy Editor (Three) Graduate/Post graduate with minimum 3 years of experience in electronic media and with an analytical bent of mind and good writing skill. Experience and exposure to copy writing could be an added advantage Researcher (Two) Graduate/Post graduate with 2-5 year experience of research work and good knowledge of internet.

Human Resources Head (Two) with experience of 8 to 10yrs working in electronic media.
Human Resources executive (One) with experience of minimum Two yrs working in electronic media.
Marketing Head (One) with experience of minimum 8 to 10 yrs working of national marketing for the TV News or entertainment Channel. Having good Contacts with Coporates. DEALING WITH CABLE OPERATORS, INSTIITUTIONAL SALES, DISTRIBUTOR MANAGEMENTS, CO- ORDINATION WITH SALES TEAMS
Assistant Marketing (Two) with experience of minimum 5 to 8 yrs working of national marketing for the TV News Channel or entertainment Channel.
Marketing executive (Fifteen) Female/Male Hindi-English fluent Bi-lingual with experience of minimum 2 to 4 yrs working of marketing for the TV News Channel or entertainment or any TV Channel. MBA fresher can also apply.
Manager Account (One) Male/Female with experience of minimum 5 to 8 yrs working TV News Channel.
Accountant (Two) with experience of minimum 3 to 5 yrs working of national TV News Channel.
Manager PR (One) Female/Male must have a degree or diploma in PR and have a good experience and communication skill.
Technical Manager (One) having experience of 5 to 8 yrs in Broadcast Technology and IT.
RF Technician (One) Electronic Graduate with technical know-how of broadcast technology related to satellite transmission.
Audio-Video Technician (Two) Electronic Graduate with technical know-how and working exposure of day to day trouble shooting of audio-video equipment used in broadcast media.
Maintenance Manager (Two) with experience of minimum 3 to 5 yrs working of national TV News Channel or production house.
Guest coordinator/Hospitality service (One) Female/Male Graduate with 2-5 year experience of working in a TV channel or production house.
Assistant Guest coordinator/Hospitality service (Two) Female/Male Graduate with 2-5 year experience of working in a TV channel or production house.
Secretaries (Two) Female/Male for CM and CEO. Proficiency in English & Hindi language. Should have Good experience of secretarial job also. Experience in media will be preferred.
Receptionists (Two) female- pleasant look, good communication skill. Experience in media or corporate office will be preferred.
Make-up Artists (Two) female with good experience of out door/in door male/female make up and hair styling-dressing.
Manager Administration (Two) Male- with experience of minimum 5 to 8 yrs working TV News Channel. MBA preferred.
Transport coordinator (Two) Male Graduate with 2-5 year experience of working in a TV channel.
Store Keeper (One) Male Graduate with 2-5 year experience of working in a TV channel.
Drivers (Two) for OB Van, having good experience of driving and handling of OB Van.
Drivers (Three) for car and other LMV’s having good experience of driving and handling of car and other LMV’s.
Security Guards (Four) Ex–Army personals. With licensed Gun preferred.
Peon (Two) Smart, well behaved, hard working and obedient, not less then High school. Experience of working in media will be preferred.

1 comment:

  1. सर आपन्ने जो स१ चैनल में कर्मठ लोगो की जरूरत के बारे में जानकारी दी उसके लिए धन्यवाद्. रही बात कड़ी प्रतिस्पर्धा और ग्लोबल मंदी के बावजूद टीवी जर्नलिज्म के मानकों पर हर रोज खरा उतर रहे हिंदी न्यूज चैनल एस-1 की तो वह सरासर गलत है. इस चैनल का कही अस्तित्वा ही नहीं
    इस चैनल को कर्मठ लोगो की है बल्कि उन लोगो की जरूरत है जो अपना शोषण करवा सके . मै कुढ़ इसका भुक्त भोगी हू. इस चैनल ने मेरा रिपोर्टर के लिए ३ चरण में साक्षात्कार लिया और मेरा सलेक्शन किया फिर मुझसे पेमेंट के लिए पूछा मै कहा की अभी नया हूँ तो कम से कम ७००० तो मिली चाहिए पूछने वाले के चेहरे की मुस्कराहट गायब हो गई. और उसने कहा की डेल्ही बात करके बताएँगे . इंतजार करे आज तक इंतजार कर रहा हूँ. पूछने पर कोई मध्य प्रदेश का स्टेट हेड कोई साफ जवाब नहीं दे रहा था. आज तक उसने कोई साफ जवाब दिया. बाद में पता चला की मेरी जगह पर उसने २००० पर किसी की रख लिया है .. वह कैमरा मन का भी कम करता है .. कहने का मतलब है मंदी me बेरोजगारों की भावनाओ के साथ खेलने ka कम s1 चैनल karta hai ..मुझे नहीं म्समझ me आता ki s1 चैनल ko कर्मठ logo ki jaroorat hai आपसे निवेदन है ki आप अपने श्रोतो से सच्चाई का पता लगा ke अपने ब्लॉग ke माध्यम se बताये ..
